Bentleyville Mayor maintains disinterest in merger notions but is his position really any different from that of others?

From Thursday, 1/12/12's Chagrin Valley Times:
"In my view, merger is the combining of cities or villages, creating one new city or village with its own mayor, council, police chief, fire chief, etc. Regionalism, on the other hand, is the cooperation between communities which includes, but is not limited to, the sharing of services, personnel, equipment and also sharing the cost for some of these items," Mr. Spremulli said.

"Bentleyville is not examining the pros or cons of merger, but we are and have been actively involved in various aspects of regionalism."
With the exception that Moreland Hills, Orange Village, Pepper Pike and Woodmere are examining the pros or cons of a merger, I'm not sure I see a substantive difference between the actual positions of the mayors of these communities, no matter the on-the-record statements.

What is your sense?


Ron Markowitz said...

The only major difference is his position retains mayor, police chief, fire chief, treasurer, council members, and millions of dollars of redundant infrastructure and equipment.

The additional cost saving resulting from "MERGER" could be converted to signidicant dollars available for the schools.

Jill said...

Hi Ron,

Thanks for the comment. I met someone from the community of Waite Hill the other day - I believe they have less than 500 residents. Walton Hills is another tiny community. It does make one wonder, "What will it take?"