From an email I sent out this afternoon:

Good afternoon! Right to them:

1. TONIGHT - Residents are invited to attend a Community Forum at 7 p.m. at the Pepper Pike Learning Center on the upcoming Operating Levy that will be on the November 8th ballot to support the Orange City Schools District. Orange Schools administrators and Orange Schools Levy 2011 Committee Co-Chairs will be on hand to share information and answer questions.

2. October Meetings:

Planning & Zoning, Monday, October 3, 7:30pm

Road & Safety, Wednesday, October 12, 7:30pm

City Council, Wednesday, October 19, 7:30pm

3. On the City website now: another Dispatch report commissioned by Mayor Akers.  Click here to read.

4. Attached for your reference is a mailing dated 9/23/11 which was from the Mayor and is an update to residents regarding the Finance Review Committee Report recommendations.  Please contact City Hall (831-8500) if you have any trouble viewing it and have not already received it in either electronic or hard copy format.

5. The draft 2012 budget and draft five year forecasts were distributed at the Finance Oversight Comm. meeting where they began to review the documents and agreed that Council should receive them as soon as possible (I made a particular plea to be sure that Council gets them ASAP). If you are interested in this process, I would suggest you plan on attending the October meetings when Council is expected to start reviewing these documents and numbers. I will be requesting that these documents be placed online as soon as Council begins public deliberations.  Until that time, you should feel free to call the finance director to view the documents.

6. Absentee ballot applications can be requested here.  The "opening date" for voting by absentee (mail-in) ballot appears to still be October 4, 2011, according to the 9/13/11 document on the county BOE's website. I make no promises though - there seems to still be confusion over this until after September 30.  Regardless, if you want a mail-in ballot, it would not hurt to just send in your application.

As always, if you have any comments, questions or concerns, please contact me at your convenience.

All the best and thank you for letting me serve,


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