No Shortage of Cities Grappling With Budget Shortfalls

In Willoughby Hills: not going to put a tax on the May ballot (Lake County)

In Michigan: Bloomfield Hills approves a property tax levy while neighboring Troy rejects an income tax

In Colorado Springs: Cuts, cuts and more cuts in services of every type imaginable, for all constituencies

In Tracy, California: Annual fees for first responders, that could go up to $300 for a call but do not start out on that basis:
...the town says it has bent over backwards to accommodate its citizens by allowing them to subscribe to the service for $48 per household per year, $36 if the household is low-income. The $300 fee is charged only if the first responder, in this case with the fire department, administers medical treatment. [City Council Member Mike] Maciel explains that the city already had a private ambulance service, and wanted to augment that with a fire department that also had medical personnel.
“The good side of this is if the fire department arrives, they have someone who can go into lifesaving mode,” says Maciel. “We felt this was a significant improvement over what we had.”
In a phone interview, Maciel and [City Manager Leon] Churchill explain how the city has cut $7 million from its budget, and laid off 80 over 4 years – 40 in the past 12 months alone – to fill major gaps produced by the loss of property tax revenue.
In Toledo: Police and Fire reject Mayor's proposal as it relates to reducing tens of millions in city debt; Mayor pulls tax increase off of ballot

In Minneapolis: $23 million shortfall, and less state aid to local governments

In Decateur, GA: Decateur council discusses tax increase; layoffs look inevitable

And why might we be worried that a tax hike - whether in income tax or property tax-linked levies - won't be enough to permanently right the ship? Two on-point articles (among many that are out there):

Warrensville Heights cuts city staff despite tax increase


Suburbs losing jobs faster than city of Cleveland, data shows (be sure to check out the chart)

The phrase "read it and weep" is no cliché.

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