Newark Mayor Cory Booker and His Social Media Ninja Abilities Crush Snowmageddon

If you haven't seen any news stories on how Mayor Cory Booker of Newark, NJ has gotten down and dirty during Snowmageddon, read here (that's in WIRED magazine no less, titled, "Mayor Hacks Snowmageddon With Epic Tweets") and here (more run of the mill report from CNN) for starters.  Booker has more than 1 million followers on Twitter.  Good on him - and good for the City of Newark.

Booker is even defending NYC's Mayor Michael Bloomberg:
Newark Mayor Cory Booker posted on Twitter that "people are far 2 rough" on Bloomberg. He says his New Jersey city is "still fighting 2 clear snow" and notes Newark is 1/29th the size of the Big Apple.
It's pretty astonishing how big cities can be caught in such snowfalls. I recall walking out on the Key Bridge the night of the D.C. blizzard of 1982 when a plane crashed into the 14th Street bridge - we were told that the District had only three snowplows. Might sound like an impossibility, but given the conditions of the roads? I'm still not sure!

Update: Fellow blogger, Derek, wrote yesterday about Mayor Booker's skills in, Mayor Cory Booker, Twitter Superhero. Thanks for flagging that for me, Derek.


The Googler said...

He did a great job, incredibly popular. Looks like he's ready to be catapulted to higher office.

I profiled him this week too:

You do a good job too Ms. Zimon, but it looks like your twitter bio is almost a year out-of-date.

Jill said...

Hey Derek - thanks for the link - I'm adding it to the main post and here it is for those who want to go directly to it:

Mayor Cory Booker, Twitter Superhero

Thanks - I will go update. :)